Friday, November 10, 2006

Mary Oestereicher Hamill's presentation on the Vietnam Medical Project

Village woman in Vietnam
The Vietnam Medical Project is the current subject of Mary Oestereicher Hamill’s video installation art. Sponsored by the International Medical Options program at Stanford University Medical School Mary was part of a team of 20 persons who spent August 2006 in a remote rural village of QuangNam province delivering medical services. In the agricultural village, TraDong, typical housing had dirt floors and no clean running water or toilets.

The team converted a schoolhouse into a clinic (and their dormitory) and proceeded to care for 750 people who in most cases had never seen a doctor. As the sole non-medic, she carried out triage and photography. Mary enjoyed directing a grass roots informal project in which villagers photographed other villagers, culminating in the sewing of a 30 square foot banner with eighteen color photographs, now installed in the village’s cultural center.

For more pictures visit:

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